28 ABY
"Age Of Resistance: Rose Tico" #1

"Bloodline" By Claudia Gray

"The Rise Of Kylo Ren" #1-4

"Age Of Resistance: Supreme Leader Snoke" #1

"Legends Of Luke Skywalker" By Ken Liu

"High Noon On Jakku" By Landry Walker ("Tales From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens - Vol. 1")

"All Creatures Great And Small" By Landry Walker ("Tales From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens - Vol. 1")

"The Face Of Evil" By Landry Walker ("Tales From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens - Vol. 1")

"True Love" By Landry Walker ("Tales From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens - Vol. 1")

29 ABY
"The Perfect Weapon" By Delilah S. Dawson

31 ABY
"The Crimson Corsair And The Lost Treasure Of Count Dooku" By Landry Walker ("Tales From A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens - Vol. 1")

"Life Day" #1

"Tales Of Villainy: The Crimson Corsair And The Crime Lords Of The Barren Rim" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2020-2022 #7)

"Age Of Resistance: Poe Dameron" #1

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #24

"Before The Awakening" By Greg Rucka

"Forces Of Destiny: Rose And Paige"

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #15

"SaBBotage" ("Poe Dameron" #1)

32 ABY
"Poe Dameron" #1-6

"C-3PO: The Phantom Limb" #1

"Force Collector" By Kevin Shinick

33 ABY
"Age Of Resistance: Finn" #1

"Age Of Resistance - Special: Robot Resistance"

"Age Of Resistance: General Hux" #1

"Age Of Resistance: Kylo Ren" #1

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #1-2

34 ABY
"Poe Dameron" #7-19

"Poe Dameron Annual" #1-2

"Poe Dameron" #20-25

The Recruit
-  Resistance S1:E1 "The Recruit: Part 1"
-  Resistance S1:E2 "The Recruit: Part 2"

Resistance S1:E3 "The Triple Dark"

Resistance S1:E4 "Fuel For The Fire"

Resistance S1:E5 "The High Tower"

Resistance S1:E6 "The Children From Tehar"

Resistance S1:E7 "Signal From Sector Six"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 1: "The Search For Kaz"

Resistance S1:E8 "Synara'a Score"

Resistance S1:E9 "The Platform Classic"

Resistance S1:E10 "Secrets And Holograms"

Resistance S1:E11 "Station Theta Black"

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #16

Resistance S1:E12 "Bibo"

Resistance S1:E13 "Dangerous Business"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 2: "Dart And Cover"

tar Wars Resistance: Short 3: "Neeku's Reward"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 7: "Bucket's Quest"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 4: "When Thieves Drop By"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 5: "Treasure Chest"

tar Wars Resistance: Short 6 - "G-LN"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 8: "Unmotivated"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 9: "The Need For Speed"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 12: "The Rematch"

Star Wars Resistance: Short 10: "Sixty Seconds To Destruction"

tar Wars Resistance: Short 11: "Buggle's Day Out"

Resistance S1:E14 "The Doza Dilemma"

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #17

Resistance S1:E15 "The First Order Occupation"

"Phasma" By Delilah Dawson

Resistance S1:E16 "The New Trooper"

"Cobalt Squadron" By Elizabeth Wein

"Bait" By Alan Dean Foster ("The Force Awakens" Paperback)

"Forces Of Destiny: The Happabore Hazard"

"Forces Of Destiny: Run Rey Run"

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #3

"Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down" #1-3

"Age Of Resistance: Phasma" #1

"Star Wars Hyperspace Stories" #8

Resistance S1:E17 "The Core Problem"

Resistance S1:E18 "The Disappeared"

Resistance S1:E19 "Descent"

"The Force Awakens" By Alan Dean Foster

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" #1-6

"Forces Of Destiny: Sands Of Jakku"

"Forces Of Destiny: BB-8 Bandits"

"Forces Of Destiny: Rey"

"Battlefront II: Resurrection" DLC

"Forces Of Destiny: Tracker Trouble"

"Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire" By Delilah S. Dawson

No Escape
-  Resistance S1:E20 "No Escape: Part 1"
-  Resistance S1:E21 "No Escape: Part 2"

Resistance S2:E1 "Into The Unknown"

"Forces Of Destiny: Perilous Pursuit"

"Captain Phasma" #1

"Age Of Resistance: Rey" #1

"Captain Phasma" #2-4

"Star Wars Adventures" Ashcan Issue

"Canto Bight" By Various Authors

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #6

"DJ: Most Wanted" #1

"The Last Jedi" By Jason Fry

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi"

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" #1-6

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #26

"Forces Of Destiny: Porg Problems" 

"Forces Of Destiny: Porgs!" 

"Forces Of Destiny: Shuttle Shock"

Resistance S2:E2 "A Quick Salvage Run"

Resistance S2:E3 "Live Fire"

Resistance S2:E4 "Hunt On Celsor 3"

Resistance S2:E5 "The Engineer"

Resistance S2:E6 "From Beneath"

Resistance S2:E7 "The Relic Raiders"

Resistance S2:E8 "Rendezvous Point"

Resistance S2:E9 "The Voxx Vortex 5000"

Resistance S2:E10 "Kaz's Curse"

"Poe Dameron" #26-31

"Resistance Reborn" By Rebecca Roanhorse

"Through the Turbulence" By Roseanna A. Brown ("Stories of Jedi and Sith")

Resistance S2:E11 "Station To Station"

Resistance S2:E12 "The Missing Agent"

Resistance S2:E13 "Breakout"

Resistance S2:E14 "The Mutiny"

Resistance S2:E15 "The New World"

Resistance S2:E16 "No Place Safe"

Resistance S2:E17 "Rebuilding The Resistance"

"Allegiance" #1-4

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #27-29

"Spark Of Resistance" By Justina Ireland

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #30

"Flight Of The Falcon: Part 1: Spy Games" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2020 #14)

"Flight Of The Falcon: Part 2: The Planet Of Misfit Droids" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2020 #15)

"Flight Of The Falcon: Part 3: Home Again" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2020 #16)

"Flight Of The Falcon: Part 4: Lady And The Tramp" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2020 #17)

"Flight Of The Falcon: Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2020 #18)

"Pirate's Price" By Lou Andres

"Star Wars Adventures: Flight Of The Falcon"

"Galaxy's Edge" #1-5

"Galaxy's Edge: A Crash Of Fate" By Zoraida Cordova

"Black Spire: Return To A Shattered Planet" By Delilah S. Dawson ("Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire" Paperback)

"Star Wars: Tales From Galaxy's Edge" (VR Experience)

"Star Wars: Tales From Galaxy's Edge: Last Call" (VR Experience)

"Halcyon Legacy" #1-5

"See You Around, Kid" ("Star Wars" [2020] #25)

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #31-32

"Star Wars Adventures" (2020-2022) #1-2

"Star Wars Adventures" (2020-2022) #13-14

"Star Wars Hyperspace Stories" #3-4

"Tales Of Villainy: Follow And Lead" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2020-2022 #2)

"Tales From Wild Space: Stop, Thief!"

"Tales From Wild Space: The Flat Mountain Of Yavin"

"Tales From Wild Space: Adventures In Wookiee-Sitting"

"Tales From Wild Space: Mattis Makes A Stand"

"Tales From Wild Space: The Best Pet"

"Tales From Wild Space: Podracer's Rescue"

"Tales From Wild Space: Look Before You Leap"

"Tales From Wild Space: Gonk"

"Tales From Wild Space: IG-88 vs. the Gatto Gang"

"Tales From Wild Space: Family Affair: Part 1"

"Tales From Wild Space: Family Affair: Part 2"

"Tales From Wild Space: A Small Push"

"Tales From Wild Space: The Blue Brothers" 

"Tales From Wild Space: The Big March"

"Tales From Wild Space: The Journey"

"Tales From Wild Space: The Heist"

"Tales From Wild Space: A Tauntaun Tail" 

"Tales From Wild Space: Majordomo, Major Problems"

"Tales From Wild Space: Win/Lose" 

"Tales From Wild Space: Alone In The Dark"

"Star Wars Adventures" (2017-2020) #30-32

"The Lost Stories: Part 1" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2020 #1)

"The Lost Stories: Part 2" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2022 #2)

"The Lost Stories: Part 3" ("Star Wars Adventures" 2017-2022 #3)

35 ABY
The Escape
-  Resistance S2:E18 "The Escape: Part 1"
-  Resistance S2:E19 "The Escape: Part 2"

"The Rise Of Skywalker" By Rae Carson

"Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker"

"Whills" By Tom Angleberger ("Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View")

"The Whills Strike Back" By Tom Angleberger ("The Empire Strikes Back: From a Certain Point of View")

"Return of the Whills" By Tom Angleberger ("Return of the Jedi: From a Certain Point of View")