RELEASE DATE: September 5th, 2023
AUTHOR(S): Zoraida Cordova, Tessa Gratton, Claudia Gray, Justina Ireland, Lydia Kang, George Mann, Daniel Jose Older, Cavan Scott, Charles Soule, and Alyssa Wong (Barnes & Noble edition only)
ERA: The High Republic (Phase 2) 396 BBY - 229 BBY
Ten thrilling short stories featuring fan-favorite characters from the beloved High Republic series, each written by a New York Times bestselling author.
The Queen's Bloom by Zoraida Cordova - Follow Axel Greylark as he experiences his first run in with and is introduced to The Mother of the Path of the Open Hand.
A Closed Fist Has No Claws by Tessa Gratton - Marda Ro records her exploits looking for other Evereni to hand down to her descendants.
Shield of the Jedi by George Mann - Jedi Knight Silandra Sho puts her padawan Rooper Nitani through her Jedi trials.
The Lonely Traveler is Home by Daniel Jose Older - Ram Jomaram goes out of his way to help a friend feel less homesick among the stars.
After the Fall by Claudia Gray - Follow the crew of the Vessel as they deal with the aftermath of Starlight Beacon's Fall.
The Force Provides by Justina Ireland - Vernestra Rwoh struggles with her connection to the Force, believing her padawan Imri and her friend Avon Starros to have died on Starlight Beacon.
All Jedi Walk Their Own Path by Charles Soule - Padawan Bell Zettifar holds out hope that his fellow Jedi Burryaga somehow survived the destruction of Starlight Beacon.
Light in the Darkness by Cavan Scott - Find new perspective for what the Jedi mean to the rest of the galaxy through the eyes of a remote village.
The Call of Courscant by Lydia Kang - Jedi Amadeo Azzazzo has spent a long time on the frontier, but now longs to be back on Courscant long-term.
Rogue Element by Alyssa Wong - Found exclusively in the Barnes & Noble edition, Rogue Element follows Alys Ongwa on Corellia during the aftermath of Starlight Beacon's fall.
Barnes & Noble exclusive edition: CLICK HERE
Standard edition (Hardcover): CLICK HERE
Audible Audiobook: CLICK HERE